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We praise our machines for their consistency, their precision and their speed, but never for their creativity or their insight. And why should we? Creativity is a very human-centric concept, after all, and the popular imagination has good reasons for placing humans and machines at opposite ends of the creativity spectrum. If we want our machines to exhibit the kinds of behavior that humans call creative, we shall just have to build (or teach) our machines to think more like we do. It can come as a surprise then to learn that the converse is also true: humans can often be more creative by learning and choosing to act like machines! Hand-made By Machines explores the fascinating ramifications of this controversial claim, by staking out a productive middle ground between the worlds of human and machine creativity.

To promote a greater understanding of the technologies underpinning Computational Creativity, and to foster engagement with the ideas and philosophy of the field, is a new Web initiative that uses Web Comix to explore the creative potentials of machines. The first production, an illustrated book by Tony Veale that explores the relationship between human and machine creativity from computational, cultural and psychological perspectives, is available to read online (in a flip-book format) now: